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Smart Advice to Build Your Own Business

Smart Advice to Build Your Own Business

(Family Features) With many tools and resources available, it is easy for entrepreneurs to build successful businesses. The United States has somewhere around 27 million entrepreneurs, and 69% of them started their businesses at home, according to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor report from researchers at Babson College and Baruch College. 

If you’re considering becoming your own boss, consider learning from those who have successfully navigated the path before you. For example, entrepreneur Russell Brunson started his first online company while he was in college.

Today, he is the co-founder of ClickFunnels, a successful software company that helps entrepreneurs get their messages out to the marketplace quickly and efficiently. Brunson is also the author of a series of books, including “Traffic Secrets,” which is filled with tips for blending fundamental direct-marketing techniques with new-age growth-hacking to help future customers discover products, services and drive demand.

“Every year, tens of thousands of businesses start and fail because the entrepreneurs don’t understand one essential skill: the art and science of getting people to find you,” Brunson said.

Put your entrepreneurial dreams in motion with Brunson’s advice, adapted from “Traffic Secrets,” the third installment in his bestselling trilogy.

Find a Proven Business Model
There’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Many entrepreneurs have already blazed trails, run tests and figured out what kind of online marketing models work. If you can find someone who’s succeeding at doing what you want to do, then put a fresh spin on their methods.

Identify Your Dream Customer
After you’ve chosen your online marketing model, work to identify your dream customers. The better you understand your potential customers, the easier it can be to find where they congregate online, understand their wants and needs, and attract them to your product or service with organic and paid campaigns.

Build Your Sales Funnel
Using his success with ClickFunnels as evidence, Brunson advocates using online sales funnels to build business and revenue. The basic sales funnel begins with a low-risk offer, captures shipping and payment information, offers an upsell and concludes with a simple confirmation.

Grow Traffic and Collaborate
Learn where your dream customers hang out online. Make a list of at least 100 people who own those channels, blogs and podcasts. Build relationships with those influencers with the goal of pitching collaborative opportunities that benefit both of your businesses.

5 Ways to Drive Traffic on Social Media

These strategies from “Traffic Secrets” can help drive traffic using these major platforms:

Google: Search the keyword you’d like to rank for. Scan results, looking for sites that have ads, banners, affiliate links to products or subscription boxes. Contact the owners of those pages and ask about advertising options to buy your way in and build your list.

YouTube: Create a 15-second intro with a catchy hook followed by a short 4-second branded message then tell your viewer why he or she should listen. Create a connection with personal commentary and share valuable content for the next 7-12 minutes. Close with a call to action.

Facebook: Think of your cover photo as your billboard and the intro section as your business card where you can place links to funnels. When posting, share stories that can open conversations, and remember to engage readers in the comments.

Instagram: Decide whether you want to inspire, educate or entertain then create a caption. Three effective options: tell a story, ask a question or make a list.

Podcasting: In addition to working the podcast circuit and delivering a call to action at the end of each show, you can leverage influencers in other ways. Buy ads on their podcasts and arrange guest appearances that let you ask their listeners to check out your own podcast.

“If you are selling anything online, or trying to generate leads online, no matter what industry you’re in, these 20 traffic secrets can help attract more eyeballs,” Brunson said. “I’d like to help you fill your website and funnels with your dream customers, so I’m going to give you my new book for free.”



Photo courtesy of Getty Images (Woman working at desk)

Traffic Secrets

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